Welcome to the Spiritual Life TV Channel
The Spiritual Life TV Channel features wisdom teachings from many spiritual traditions and gives a practical focus that shows how a person can use these teachings to live a more spiritual life. ~~ The Spiritual Life Channel teachings recognize and honor the divine potential within each person. They share insights, methods, and encouragement for you to advance your spiritual unfoldment and achieve your potential. They shine a light on what life is all about and why we are here. They offer deeper understandings coming from Ageless Wisdom teachings from the East and West, as well as philosophy, religion, science and more.
The wisdom teachings come from many sources, but they share a common thread about our innate goodness, and the value of love, compassion, kindness and good will. ~~ Our world is in a period of dramatic change, and this change can be a “shift” to a higher vision and way of living, and a more conscious evolution. Each of us has the opportunity to make our own life better, and the world better, and thus everyone benefits. We all can reach for this higher vision of possibility, happiness and beauty and then together with joy, we can make it happen.
Featured Videos:
Brief Daily Meditations:
From Many Spiritual Traditions
Insights About….
What is the Key to Spirituality? How can we tap more of our innate goodness? How can we feel good about ourselves? How can we feel good about others, and Life itself?
What is the Purpose of Life? Why are we here? Is there a divine plan? What about free will? How can we find our individual purpose in Life?
Who and What am I as a Human Being? What about being a Soul and Spirit? What about being a Personality-Persona? Do I really know Myself?
What is Love and the Power of Love? How valuable are Love, Compassion, Kindness and Good Will? What is the Wisdom and Power of the Heart?
What about Interconnectedness? Could there be a Oneness of Life? Could the Human Family really be One? Could Everything on the Planet be connected as One? Everything in the Universe as One? Is this possible?
What is Karma? Does what we send out really come back to us? What can we do about it? Is there good karma as well as bad karma?
What Happens When We Die? Is there Life after Death? If so what is it like? How would we know? What about near-death experiences?
What is Reincarnation? Could I have lived before? Is this really possible? How could it work?
What is the Secret to Happiness? Can we be Happy most of the time in our life? What do we need to do to find Happiness?